Linux Shell Deployment
1. Basics
<cmd> --help
# check how to use a certain command
man <cmd>
# check possible options of a certain command
# sends an interrupt signal to the currently running process in the terminal
# sends a suspend signal to the currently running process in the terminal
# clear the window
2. File Creation & Editing
touch <filename>
# create a file
nano <filename>
# create and start to edit a file
vim <filename>
# create and start to edit a file through vim
emacs <filename>
# create and start to edit a file through emacs
sudo apt install emacs-nox
# install emacs
3. File Operations
wget <url>
# download a file
mv <filename_old> <filename_new>
# rename a file
cp <filename_old> <filename_new>
# copy a file with a new name
mv <filename_old> <location>
# move a file
scp [email protected]:<path/filename> <location>
# download a file from a virtual machine
cat <filename>
# cast the content of a file
head -n <num> <filename>
# print the first “num” lines of the file